MMDD232: Creative emerging projects in Fall 2021

February 14, 2022
Multimedia Design & Development

Emerging Technology course MMDD232 was led by professor Kristopher Ohlendorf in the Multimedia Design program. For Fall 2021, there has been an increasing in number of creative projects developed by Humber students on this course. Kris selected the three most impressive projects to show as an example for the students to look up to.

1) AR 2D motion painting

The project is developed by Thanh Pham. His inspiration comes from the exotic images from the 18th century drawings from the book "A Voyage to Cochinchina, in the Years 1792 and 1793" by Sir John Barrow, 1st Baronet. Combined with what he learned from the course MMDD226 Advanced Multimedia Technology taught by professor Greg Goralski, Thanh developed the AR effect to breathe life to these painting using Spark AR.

He later wrote an article about his learning on Medium to share with other people on what he learned and how we created this project. We have created this promotional video to pay tribute to his project!

2) Under Amour rebrand

The second project is from the student Zainab Shakir. Zainab used the knowledge which she gained from her Multimedia Design course to convert Under Amour brand from a sport brand to a beauty brand. Her work not only covered the logo design but also fonts and colors. After that, she put her design into a mock-up to help us visualise how the final branding would look like when it was packaged.

You can see her proposed branding document here. We also created a video to show how this new design came about.

3) Time x Space website

This project belongs to an artistic student who has a passion for painting and design. She designed and developed her website to display her beautiful artworks. You can come and visit her gallery in this link. We also created this video to show you her work on this project.

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